Tuesday, July 19, 2016


Andromedan craft is anti gravity in order to turn a boat all angles of itself they move into a higher hyperspace.  Humans the NDE or death state is disembodiment and you can turn anti gravity different directions so are andromedans dead flying their boats? No they're ascended masters.  They've been flying for thousands of years. 

Now as the brain accesses different 'spatial dimensions' even to hyperspace so does andromedan mind access different spatial dimensions which means the craft has a certain orientation around a person remembering a past life for example or focusing on say a Quantum Mind Tech tool in a higher vibration where the craft has a technology for interfacing a human seamlessly.   

An andromedan craft crew member does not engage an entity on Earth subjectively especially co dependently or they would pull them with erroneous engagement upon the person.  They engage others objectively they are engaging a biological entity; an object of sentient life. 
The object of their up top included. 

Now on board their craft they are mind.  The craft is triangular with the highest vibration of space time is available on the ships when the rider is pure mind in the whole body of the rider permitted to climb to ascended state to fly they have four states they fly in four different hyperspace quantum states.  This even human DNA can do I proved it by ascending with the andromedans ships following me into the blackness of space far away from Earth about 500 light years away. There fore if we built ships that fold space time on Earth I could fly in one and fold space time of the ships hull and myself like they do with their ships.  

Andromedan craft is triangular and some of them have more or less tiles in them that are beamed at the up top round ships entity to know  what to up top as mind from the observer focusing, say in his or her BME Merkaba. Different areas of the ship engages different areas of the brain near the top or point is higher bandwidth like gamma. That is not used generally for humanity uninitiated in training who has ascended or is doing teleportation a lot or manifesting very fast its reality.  Usually they up top with another ship beneath it the round ones that filter the energy concentrated through the andromedan immortal observer to the second craft then to the biological areas of the brain with the human divine observer's focus.  Usually we have ultra violet blue frequency beamed in the beginning stages of BME study the advanced students are able to sit in golden X- ray frequency from their gamma firing brain wave pattern with our ships up top matching it creates this quantum biological state of DNA functioning in hyperspace beginning to manifest faster results for healing and manifestation. In times of chaos the andromeda ships have up topped without the round ships they broaden their beams for the whole area they cover however they prefer to do this with the round ships generally.  

The greys check on  others alone directed by andromedan ships usually people with less experience and mostly they tend to collection of meiotic stem to dispense it with the andromedan people.  

The colored stone ships tht beam red yellow and green beams can show viral proteins in the home or office that re the same color for finding disease causing contagions. Andromedans have used them for this.

People on ships are not in them andromedans are they are down below getting up top which is usualy about 3 percent of Earths population,  VIPS was higher during intimidation time. Now rebuild of the quantum field with humanity participating in new offerings in it for sovereignty and rights re established of those especially who contribute to building of society in benevolent ways to be able to do their work not bothered with violence or aggression of any kind or intellectual property theft and genetics to be sovereign unbothered again non meiotic especially.  I am not on those ships physically I'm on Earth so it is andromedans who do the up top from andromedan ships to the round vessels to the human not me. I'm up topped.  On rare occasions those on study of work chosen, get up top with Instructors of it together or government meetings have them federally. USA traditionally for they have stars and stripes like early Mesopotamia and freemasonry so they  were waiting for them to wake up more and predicted the arrival of help such as my self who would present the work such as in What Humanity Never Knew and I have VIP for this reason and up top.  That is how ships ran for centuries with governments who used the symbolism on their flags etc.    Science the intimidation many governments we worked with for change and the intimidation is largely finished however they do rounds to see what everyone is doing. I worked with Canadian government also in letter form mostly for improvements to our society through suggestions and provided reading and video material also to all for this to be enhanced. 

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